
Cosmetic acupuncture promotes subtle, natural looking changes to the skin over time. Benefits of cosmetic acupuncture include: Under-Eye Bags Reduction of Wrinkles, Acne Scars, Collagen Rejuvenation, Reduce signs of Aging, Better Skin Hydration, Increased Circulation and Vitality, Complexion Improvement, Softening of Deeper Wrinkles, Evening Skin Tone & Texture And the real beauty of getting cosmetic acupuncture is it also includes traditional acupuncture at the same time. It’s about time you can combine beauty and health.

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The food that we consume should support our health to help bring balance to the body. We help guide our patients through proper nutrition for optimal health.

It is important to eat seasonal foods as well as eat the foods that best serve the body’s needs. In instances of nutritional deficiencies, we will recommend supplementation.

We can optimize your ability to conceive naturally or work with your doctor to support your fertility treatment.  We help to reduce inflammation to aid embryo implantation and use acupuncture to increase the blood supply to the pelvis & uterus to support a healthy ovarian follicle.  Because acupuncture has a normalizing effect on reproductive hormones, it can be used to correct hormonal imbalances that prevent conception.  We complement the treatment you receive from your RE or OB/GYN & work hand-in-hand with your physician to ensure that you are receiving integrative care.

Moxibustion is a form of herbal heat therapy which uses an herb called Ai Ye (Mugwort Leaf) to warm, strengthen and encourage the proper flow of Qi and blood in the body. ​ The herb is burnt over acupoints to stimulate blood circulation, disperse cold, relieve pain, and boost immunity. Moxibustion is also highly effective for gynecological issues and breech presentation during pregnancy.
Improve blood circulation to help with pain management and also releases toxins for illness such as the common cold. Patients often feel an immediate release of pain, stiffness, cough, wheeze, and inflammation. It is advised to keep the area covered after treatment and to drink plenty of water.
Cupping uses specifically designed cups that create mild suction to gently pull the muscle tissue upward to encourage release as well as improve the circulation of blood and lymph. This therapy is used to relieve pain in the back, neck and sore muscles; as well as relieve the body of fatigue, anxiety and migraines, cold, cough and flu, allergies and asthma, and even cellulite.

I have seen patients whose anxiety induced rashes almost disappear in two treatments. I have also seen acupuncture significantly reduce anxiety and stress as well as improve depression. It’s important to note that most of these conditions require an initial treatment protocol of 8 or more sessions. Once a significant improvement is reached, you can then move to a maintenance schedule

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), a number of studies suggest that acupuncture works particularly well on chronic pain such as back and neck pain; osteoarthritis/knee pain; and headache. It often reduces the incidence and severity of tension headaches and may prevent migraines. “Therefore,” the NIH concludes, “acupuncture appears to be a reasonable option for people with chronic pain to consider.”

Researchers found that pain relief with acupuncture comes from inactivating the source of pain by modulating endorphin levels. Other area’s of pain that acupuncture can help are with:Muscle soreness, Tendonitis, Nerve Pain, Carpal Tunnel…and more. 

Boosts overall Health

The holistic art of combining Chinese herbs is a natural way of healing the body and boosting over all health. Prescription formulas are based on tried and true classical herbal combinations which are then modified for each individual. These formulas help to regulate the body’s internal functions and bring balance to the body. Herbal medicine can be used alone, or to compliment acupuncture as it helps strengthen the body in between acupuncture sessions.

Chinese herbs are selected based on the patient’s root and branches of illness as well as their genetics. These herbs are primarily plants, flowers, seeds, bark and roots, though some animal and mineral substances may also be used. Many of the herbs are adaptogens, which means they help the body adapt and regulate stress.

Bliss Acupuncture only prescribes herbs that have been tested to the highest safety and quality standards.

Menstruation | PMS | Menopause | Fibroids | Hormone Imbalance | Libido

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine has been used to treat gynecological conditions for thousands of years. At Bliss Acupuncture we draw on this knowledge and combine it with up-to-date scientific information to treat our patients. We are trained to use Chinese herbs, and acupuncture to regulate menstrual cycles and treat common gynecological disorders. We’ll also give you diet and lifestyle advice tailored to your specific pattern of disharmony. Treat irregular Menses, painful Menses, PMS, Menopause, Stress Related Hormone Imbalance, Uterine Fibroids, Low Libido

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